I was scheduled for an induction on Tuesday, July 17 at 3pm. I called early in the morning to see what the schedule was like, I was told that they were behind from the day before and may not be called in that day. Bummer. I was very anxious to meet my baby girl and not be so swollen from the heat. So I waited and no call. :(
On Wednesday, I again called in the morning and was told that they were catching up and would probably call me later that day. So I waited all morning. My Tia Maggie and I went to Target, Once Upon a Child and got Pedicures. Then at about 4ish I called the hospital and the Charge Nurse said that was getting ready to call me. She said that she was waiting for the nurse that would be taking care of me to get back from her lunch break. She told me eat something and get my things together and that she will be calling me back shortly! YES!! Finally!! So I get my things together and ate a small snack. Then the phone rings, they are ready for me. :) So I get my things together and we make our way to the hospital. By the time we get there it's about 4:50.
I get registered and then my nurse comes out to get me and takes us back. I get changed and she does her thing. Then I finally get my IV for the Pitocin, by that time it's about 6. The nurse checks me and says that I'm already dilated to 4cm and 100% effaced. WHAT!??!!! At my appointment the previous Thurs. I was barely at 2cm and 80% effaced. Dr Tutt then comes in and says that he wants to see steady contractions before he breaks my water. Well the pitocin is working and I'm feeling contractions, nothing to hard. That is about an hour and then the Dr comes back, checks me and says that I have progressed to 5cm and that he is going to break my water, that's at 7pm. I tell him to get the anesthesiolgist ready for my epidural.
My water is now broken and I'm feeling the real hard contractions now. I get my epidural, which took a little longer than expected and I feel relief. The nurse turns me on my side and puts a peanut shaped ball in between my legs to help spread my pelvis to help me dilate faster. Let me tell you this ball totally works! Within the next couple of hours I have gone from 5 to fully dilated. I start to feel pressure and the nurse tells me to push on the next contaction. I'm barely through the contraction and she tells me to stop. She calls in Dr Tutt, he gets ready, I on the other hand want to push but they make me wait. How mean! Finally I can push, that one push gets her head out. Then on the next push she shoots out!! I hear her scream! My baby girl is finally here!!
Then my aunt, MIL and husband pull out their phones and they are taking pictures as I lay on the bed getting stiched up, yup I tore again, but no episiotomy this time. It's funny how much technology has progressed. I hear text message alerts going off as they are sending pictures of the baby. :) haha She is measured and weighed. 7lbs 12 oz and 20.5 inches long, come to find out she was actually 19.5 inches at her first dr appointment.
With Grammy after being cleaned up.
With Tia Maggie
Big brother meeting little sister for the first time.